I love designing tablescapes. I started back in September 2010 and I now design tablescapes to share on my blog as well as on "Between Naps on the Porch" for Tablescape Thursdays.

My passion for designing tablescapes has sent me out on a search to buy more dishes that I can share every week.

I also enjoy making my own napkins to go with my different dishes and I love to mix and match some of my beautiful dishes.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Granny Smith Apple ~~~Tablescapes

I put a Granny Smith Apple on each white flower dish. My guest can take them home, to keep the Doctor away.

1 comment:

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Diane!

Wow, I LOVE your Tablescapes! They are beautiful. The apples are an awesome touch in this one too.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, signing my guestbook and becoming a follower. I'm glad you enjoyed the Dixie Chicks. I look forward to being your blend (blog friend)!

Take care,
